About Tina Arndt
As an Integrated Health Practitioner it is my mission to guide you to Live, Sing, Create the life you came here to live. For I believe mental, emotional, physical health is the gateway to balance your mind, body, soul.
In this world of change, many of us have felt so alone on our journey, as I have too. Looking for guidance, support was not an easy road for me for I felt no one understood the way I felt or believed things the way I did. Trusting someone to open up to was the hardest. In a world where we are taught to be a certain way, living in other people's opinions or versions, is hard to truly be yourself. After spending over twenty five years learning about myself and others through different modalities of Eastern and Western ways, Body, Mind, Soul connection, travelling the world, learning from the most famous, wealthiest, poorest people, has taught me one thing. We want to be healthy, connected, supported, understood, loved.
It doesn't matter where we come from for it is what we truly feel about ourself. I have spent lots of money, time, learning throughout my life to find true support from the heart which usually left me feeling more disappointed, frustrated in the end. In a world where things are usually determined through monetary value, it is truly hard to find someone who will hold space just for you and not their pocket book. I have designed my programs, services, products to shift your consciousness of thinking to allow your true authentic self to shine through. My workshops, support groups, programs, services are a safe place to express your feelings so you can feel yourself to create the life you deserve to live while having like minded people support you on your transformational journey. When you are able to feel, know the power of your mind, the different levels of consciousness, you will have a better understanding of yourself and others.
We are all made up of energy and vibrate at different levels of energy. Stresses come into our energy field, by learning to recognize these shifts you can clear them to establish a better relationship with yourself, allowing you to have better relationships with others by setting the boundaries needed for you to live the life you desire.
You can not understand other people's journey's, lives, feelings until you have walked many miles learning to understand your own. Traveling half way across the world and back I have had a life of many journey's which has allowed me to be able to hold space for others by sharing my life lessons learned. Some come to learn just one lesson, many of us come to learn many more.
If you feel ready to take control of your life to find your true power, release the fears holding you back, release past patterns, allow me to guide the way to finding unconditional love for yourself and others. It is never to late to live, sing, create the life you desire and are so deserving of having.
My Journey
As an Integrated Health Practitioner, I am trained as a Mind, Body, Soul Connection Coach, Relationship Coach, Certified Clutter Coach, Spiritual Life Coach, Elemental Space Clearer®, Certified Infinite Possibility Teacher, Louise Hay Certified Heal Your Life® Teacher, Certified Chakra Balancer, Certified Aesthetician, Advanced Medical Aesthetics, Laser Therapy Tech, Energy Medicine Practitioner, Therapeutic Touch Practitioner, Mental Health First Aid, Quantum Biofeedback, Reiki Master, Crystal Healing, Colour Therapy, Sound Healing, Reflexologist, Massage Therapy, Certified Meditation Practitioner, Certified Angel Guide, Feng Shui, Interior Design, and many more for I have been on my learning journey for over twenty five years. I believe there is always something to learn for that is how we grow.
Starting out in the beauty and healing arts industry it allowed me to learn, grow to become the person I am today. Earning a PhD in Life Experiences and Skills. Spending several years healing, coaching, showing people how to take care of themselves it brought me on a journey of owning my own Dayspa, travelling and living in the Caribbean, where I met some of the most famous, wealthiest, poorest people in the world. Learning some of my greatest lessons from them for we always believe the grass is greener on the other side.
As I met people on my journey of life, I realized we all want a connection of kindness, love, compassion, understanding. As the years went on I learned more about people, energy, how we vibrate on different levels of consciousness. Always having a great passion for the mind, body, soul connection it allowed me to learn about the gifts we have. As you unleash them, allow your true authentic self to shine through.
Join me on a journey whether improving your appearance, energy field, over all wellness, or unveiling the true person hiding inside, allow me to guide you to live, sing, create the life you came here to live.

My Products
I created my products for when I was going through challenges in life, I wished I could have purchased a beautiful gift set that made me feel the bump in the road was just a bump and not a dead end sign. Something that would give me hope, inspire me, motivate me, encourage me to move forward. As we experience life lessons we need encouragement to know we will get through them. These carefully crafted products will help shift your consciousness to a path of clearer thinking. Guide you on a journey so you can live the life your deserve by reminding you, you are pure unconditional love.
As you release your fears, patterns, find unconditional love, believe in yourself, protect, clear, find your true power, you will be guided through to hear your divine messages on your way to a new journey of creating the life you came here to live.
Create, live, sing with my unique crystal essence sprays, crystal affirmation grids, signature crystal gift boxes. All of my crystal products hold their natural healing abilities, have been carefully cleansed with green photo light to remove previous energies, enhanced with Quantum Biofeedback Technology through a computer program using hertz frequency to shift, remove stresses in your energy field to help eliminate emotional, physical problems occurring in your life. The affirmations will change your mindset to guide you through life to a road less travelled so you can guide yourself to create a new chapter in your life book.
Private Speaking Engagements
Offering custom workshops on wellness, mental health, building healthy relationships, self development, personal improvement, self awareness to provide clarity on the mind, body, soul connection so you can create the environment you desire. We all vibrate at different energy levels, with a better understanding of self love, acceptance, gratitude, this will create a better work or personal environment between each other. Allow abundance, prosperity, peace, joy, gratitude, happiness surround you and your staff so you can create, live, sing each day together.
You can pick from one of my workshops or I can customized one to your needs, wants, desires. Contact me directly to discuss booking a private workshop or speaking engagement either in person or online for your work place or event. Can be held as part of a staff meeting, personal party, mental health day, wellness day or any other occasion you may be hosting.